
• Marketing plan development
• Marketing strategy development
• Marketing organization development
• Value proposition development & assessment

Marketing has many forms depending on the type of industry, but core concepts, all based on clear logical thinking, remain common to all. Marketing invariably is defining, assessing and exploiting opportunities by deploying resources appropriately. Good marketers should always be slightly worried and hence always scanning the marketplace for new developments to ensure that they aren’t unduly surprised by competitor actions, the emergence of new segments or the appearance of replacement products and services etc. Tactical implementations must focus on ROI: If ROI cannot be easily measured, then what is the argument for going ahead anyway ? This is not to say don’t go ahead, but rather that there must me a clearly elucidated case for doing so. Nothing should be assumed.

Often in B2B companies, particularly technical or professional services areas, marketing is viewed as a back office for Business Development (sales), to produce brochures, organize events and manage logistics for conferences. In effect, these companies are driven by operations and sales, where there may be a VP sales but only a Director of Marketing that often reports into sales. This arrangement can work well while markets are growing fast but eventually it runs into choppy waters as competition levels increase and markets mature. Making an organizational change to a more strategic approach to the market via a proper marketing department is necessary to ensure long term survival and growth. In effect it forces a cultural change in the company, looking from the outside in rather than only the inside out.

Market opportunities arise from a number of different events but primarily include technological breakthroughs, major trends or an unmet latent demand. Often companies focus on the first two and with good reason. But latent demand is often the silent killer, where a competitor captures and sustains a market advantage by identifying one or a series of areas that either no one thought to ask consumers about or ignored on the grounds that they would not provide appropriate ROI. Sometimes the second question after ROI is what would happen of a competitor used these opportunities against us even if at a lower short or medium term ROI.

Some of the services that we offer:

• Marketing plan development
• Marketing strategy development
• Marketing organization development
• Value proposition development & assessment

For more information, contact us at marketing.

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